Your team lost. My team lost. Our teams both lost at home. Your team is now a bit bad off. My team's fate balances upon the edge of a blade, stray but a little and it will fail. At least you had the sweet mercy of not even getting to believe for a moment your team really had a chance. My team let the lead slip two times by bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bullpen usage...
Home runs given up by relievers killed us. I was queasy when Torre brought in Cory Wade. I commented to Puck that, 'he's worked the last three games in mostly multiple innings...he's getting the Scott Proctor treatment and he's not going to be effective'.
Looks to be a rays phillies world series. How ugly does that sound?
Rays vs. Phillies is pretty ugly indeed. Not as ugly as Wakefield's performance so far, though. 3 runs in the first. *sigh*
Well, the Phillies lived up to their half of the bargain. The Rays should finish off the Sox tonight. *sigh*
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