
Furcal Finally Makes Up His Damned Mind

Yesterday, I kind of avoided a session of online Mario Kart Wii with family because I figured the story would break last night.  It didn't.  Mostly I haven't done Mario Kart online because I suck at it still.  More so that it's been so long since I'd played.  So I've played for an hour the last two days trying to get my bearings back on that game.  Oh wait, I was supposed to be talking about Furcal's new deal with the dodgers... .

So it's either 30/3 years or 33/3 years. Three million of it is paid as a deferred signing bonus. There's a 600 PA vesting option for 12 million. 600 ab's would be hard but I'm not so sure 600 pa's is too difficult if you're batting leadoff and play at least 120 games. If the contract is for 30/3 them I'm mildly impressed. I just hope he stays healthy. If he does, he'll earn his contract and then some. I'm glad I don't have to wonder what the heck Furcal is doing today and the dodgers can move on with their offseason plans.

Oh yeah it's still sleeting/snowing here. Not just a dusting either. I was shocked at first, but now I'm just kinda pissed. I have pictures and I'll post them when I get around to it. We moved to not have to deal with this. They are supposed to de-ice the roads tonight (by that I'm assuming just the interstates and major highways).