This goes to show how little imagination and how Forrest I feel two hours or so after making that last post. I guess I am about three steps behind the dodgers front office. I was watching MLBTV and then Leiter, Larkin, and Reynolds start talking about Manny and then Jones.
So apparently Boras, Andruw, Manny and the dodgers are trying to work out money and contracts that would end up with Manny a dodger and Andruw Jones not-a-dodger. How this would work out makes me feel about as smart as Pedro Guerrero (who's lawyer defended him on a drug charge by stating poor Pedro's IQ was 72 and was essentially too dumb to have participated in the drug offenses he was charged with). The deferred buyout thing sounds feasible but that still doesn't save the dodgers any money or make a trade scenario work without the dodgers still basically sending money to whichever team gets him...they just defer how long before Jones gets his money while still playing for another team. I think I just need to let this one play out instead of overthinking what sounds to be an extremely complicated transaction.
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